Your new puppy will need a wellness visit only, unless I tell you otherwise, it’s best to keep immunizations minimal and I do not recommend heart worm medication, or the Bordetella, no flea collars or topical treatments, no lepto. These vaccines can be fatal to them. If you choose to have your new puppy spayed, please wait until they are at least 8 months to a year old. Do not neuter until at or around 6 months to avoid marking. Rabies is not recommended until one year old. If your vet requires it I would ask to wait until one year and give 1/2 dose. If you have a holistic vet available they will usually be more than happy to do this. The first three vaccinations is all  your puppy will ever need. If your vet is concerned about not giving these, they can run a titter and a yearly heart worm test.

Treats to keep the teeth clean include bully sticks, raw chicken feet, chicken necks and treats can be hearts, livers, gizzards, you can dice them up and freeze. Also fresh raw goat milk is a wonderful addition to add daily for a natural probiotic and they love it. Some fresh fruits and vegetables in very small amounts are ok if you would like just make sure they are ok for dogs, there are some are deadly to them. Pure pumpkin or sweet potatoes can be given for an upset tummy.

PetMoringa Food

Miniz Replacement Toys & Squeakers!